Post by [SS]KernalKermiT on Dec 7, 2013 0:06:56 GMT 1
Post by Zyroloth on Dec 9, 2013 13:28:02 GMT 1
Sorry, illegal piece of information.
Post by neelix on Dec 10, 2013 16:31:24 GMT 1
As I already mentioned ingame, I'm not using any gameserver-hosting company. As far as I know there are only a few companies where you can rent rune gameservers. I'm sure you can ask other hostingcompanies to setup a custom server for you, there are plenty of those around. If they are hosting UT-servers on a windows system I don't see why it should be a problem to host Rune 1.0 servers as well. It all depends on the company and it takes some more time to get them to set one up.
You have a few options. Personally I have experience with both ArtOfWarCentral and DieHardServers. I've been using DieHardServers for a few weeks and as far as I know it wasn't too bad. I did have some issues in the beginning because they had to setup a custom server for me. The company is in Holland and I believe their serverboxes are in Amsterdam. As far as I remember the pingtimes have been amazing and the performance was not too bad either.
I'm pretty sure you've been using ArtOfWarCentral to host your previous server on, you could try to relocate your server to another location (Amsterdam) because I'm sure they offer more locations. I find it hard to recommend AoWC to anyone because their servers and support are the worst I've experienced in any form yet. I've had several problems such as the server freezing for a few seconds, random servercrashes and lagspikes. Back then I only had one option to troubleshoot or get support and that was writing a support ticket. I've given them the most detailed description you could ever want as a support-center, but usually they just give you a response after 5 hours with only 1 or 2 phrases. I've had responses where they told me they changed some ''settings'' on my server and if wanted to try again. If I asked them what they changed, they couldn't give me a proper answer. I usually checked every serverfile I had to find out what they did, just to figure out they didn't do a thing (I know that because unlike them I make several backups). All they did was just reboot my server, something I could have done myself and already tried 5 times as I also described in my support-ticket. After all the time I spend giving them information I figured out on my own with limited resources, THAT was the great solution their support came up with. As you can probably figure the problem was still remaining and you had to start a new chain of tickets where the horror starts over again. They will also tell you there is nothing wrong with the server because they just checked it 5 seconds ago and it's running like a sunshine. @#$@asdfomgwtflooolll!!!@ I highly doubt they actually read the tickets, either that or I must be imagining things because I was on high medication such as LSD when I wrote the ticket. I've also had a response where they literally asked me: What do you want me to do then? How about fixing the problem or give me someone that isn't a mentally retarded monkey playing with drumsticks. I didn't ask for these problems and I didn't ask for someone that is incapable of understanding and fixing the problems due to his own retardedness. I already knew the problem from the start, they overload their boxes with too many gameservers to reduce their costs. I'm 100% sure of that. The funny thing was that these problems excelled during peaktimes (16:00-18:00 and 20:00-22:00). During the night there was no problem with the servers at all. Sometimes you are lucky and your server is on a box that isn't overloaded or they will move it to one that isn't. Then you won't have much problems and their servers are actually pretty good, this might change at any given moment though as they get more customers and start hosting more servers on that box as well. Lol anyways, enough of my rant. As you can imagine it comes to no surprise to me that their location had a total meltdown. GG!
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Posts: 2
Post by garp on Dec 11, 2013 4:26:45 GMT 1
"Wall of text crits you for over 9000". "You died."
Post by neelix on Dec 11, 2013 20:15:33 GMT 1
"Wall of text crits you for over 9000". "You died." Haha yes, I guess I got carried away a little while writing it.